The Centre shall be called “The Caravan Club South Lancashire Centre”
It is the responsibility of all centre members to read all Centre Rules and abide by them. Any Member not observing these rules may be asked to leave the Rally Field by the Chairman or the Chairman’s representative.
1 | Membership cards must be carried at all times. Members may be requested to produce evidence of membership at Centre Rallies. |
2 | Rally forms will be available to members no earlier than 10 weeks prior to the event; with the exception of holiday rallies and special events and those rallies over three days duration, which are included in the Rally Handbook, and are shown with an asterisk *. If you require details and booking slip for any particular Rally, an S.A.E. should be forwarded to the Rally Officer concerned. |
3 | A Rally is not deemed to have been booked until the relevant payment has been make to the Rally Officer. New Ralliers please note that if your Booking is not returned you are booked on the Rally. |
4 | Cancellations and Refunds; for standard weekend rallies the full rally fee less a cancellation charge of £2.00 will be refunded when a cancellation is received in writing more than 10 days prior to the start of the event. For events bookable outside the 10 week booking rule different cancellation and refund policies can apply, the relevant booking forms will state these details. NB. Members who book into a Rally and cancel / do not attend will be responsible for any expenses incurred on their behalf. |
5 | All Rallies will commence at the time stated on the booking form, please do not embarrass the Rally Officers by arriving before this time. |
6 | All members must report to the Rally Office on arrival at the site and await siting instructions. |
7 | Speed limit on the Rally Site shall be restricted to 5 m.p.h. and only members with full driving license are allowed to drive vehicles on the Site. |
8 | Caravans must be parked with the FRONT RIGHT HAND CORNER of the Caravan over the site peg. Caravans having a reverse layout may be parked the alternative way round. |
9 | Vans should have 6.1m(20 feet) between facing walls i.e. 8.2m(27 feet) peg to peg. This is a recommendation of the Caravan Club. |
10 | When the site is wet and it is necessary to avoid damage to the land, the Rally Officer has the authority to instruct Ralliers that they will be unable to return their vehicles to the site if they remove them during the course of the Rally e.g. to go shopping or to the social. In extreme cases , a yellow flag will be flown which means that No vehicles may move at all except in dire emergency. |
11 | All members must observe the Caravan and Country codes at all times. |
12 | Own sanitation must be provided. |
13 | Waste water must not be allowed to discharge on to the rally field. Chemical toilet contents must be emptied in the disposal point provided at rallies, unless otherwise advised. Please dispose of waste water as directed by the Rally Officer. Chemical toilets and waste water containers MUST NOT be cleansed from the fresh water tap. |
14 | Please take your dry waste away with you, unless otherwise advised by the Rally Officer. |
15 | A properly made awning OR tent (2 metre square max) will be allowed on normal weekend rallies providing the tent is in the area normally designated for the awning and permission is obtained from the Rally Officer and the Landowner. |
16 | Toilet tents will be allowed on all rallies. |
17 | Children are classed as such up to and including the age of 12 years. Parents must ensure that their children do not trespass or cause damage on Social Hall premises, or to the Site Owner's or adjoining Owner's properties. |
18 | Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes at a social before it is due to start. No alcoholic drink is to be brought to a Social without the permission of the Rally Officer or Social Organiser. |
19 | The playing of ball games, quoits, lawn darts, etc. must be kept away from caravans. The flying of kites over caravans is not allowed. Your committee feel that they should also point out that it is dangerous to fly kites near overhead power cables. |
20 | Noise from radios, T.V.'s, parties, etc. must be kept to a minimum after 11 p.m. |
21 | Generators can only be used on Centre rallies at the discretion of the Rally Officer during the hours of 9am to 7pm and for no more than a continuous 2 hour period. Do not leave a generator running unattended. |
22 | Before barbecues are lit please consult the Rally Officer. |
23 | At the close of the Rally, please leave your pitch clean and tidy as you expect to find it. |
24 | Domestic animals must be kept under proper control and on a lead of not more than 3m (10 feet) when in the vicinity of the caravans. Animals should not be allowed to foul in the vicinity of the rally field. |
25 | No event involving motor vehicles is allowed unless the necessary permission and insurance is obtained. |
26 | Rally Plaques are earned by bringing your van to a Rally and occupying it. Please do not embarrass the Rally Officers by asking for a Plaque if you have not done so. |
27 | The authority for conduct at a rally shall be vested in the Chairman, and members are expected to comply with requests that are made to them. |
28 | The Committee have the right to refuse the use of a rally site to any member. |
29 | Motor cars must not be used as sleeping accommodation on a rally field. |
(Centre Rule Number 8) Caravans must be parked with the FRONT RIGHT HAND CORNER of the Caravan over the site peg. Caravans having a reverse layout may be parked the alternative way round. The towing vehicle should be parked on the nearside of the Caravan unless otherwise directed by the Rally Officer |